Outdoor Adventures & Environment Institute, Indore, India |
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Outdoor Management Development Programs
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Adventure activity expose us to the wonder of mother nature and carry us away from life's tension and fear. They test our mental capabilities, and make us interactive, bold and confident , while in the wild outdoors, it follows that one is attracted by flora and fauna, is cheered by the Birds, guided by the stars and the pursuit the ever loftier goal increases.
Outdoor Management Development Program (OMDP) Experiential learning System Leadership Training Tam Building Work Shops Stress Management
Adventure pursuits help to develop individual and leadership qualities, which are essential for those who have to inspire others, achieve excellence in their respective fields.
It helps bring out character traits like..
Accepting Responsibilities, Self reliance and confidence in one’s ability to overcome obstacles and an optimistic outlook on life that have great relevance for successful corporate managers.
We have arranges customize camps for following associates
Impetus Sita Travels Sayaji Club Air Tel Advance Academy Indian Embassy (Myanmar) Mandu Utsav-03 ICICI Bank Limited RPG Cellular Thyron India Rotary Club (Up Town) Lions Club (Classic) Rotary Club (North) Roteract club of Indore-Prestige Jain Social Group-South Navlakha Resident society Mandu Utsav -02 Softage Computers Education Data Pro Prestige Institute Pioneer Collage Maharaja Ranjitsingh college Khalsa Collage ICMST College ITMA School Indore Public School Emerald Height International School Agrawal Public School Jain Yuva Saurabh Mahashwari Yuva Mandel First Step School Karnataka Vidya Nikaten and many more.
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